What do you want?

by | Feb 21, 2019

OK, been a while since we have had one of these so here we go…

(don’t be reading this NOW if you are feeling miserable already!)

Let’s lay the foundations first. You are overweight, you carry fat, you are fat, however you wish to describe it. You are carrying excess blubber that makes you miserable, self conscious and unhealthy.

Your current physical condition makes you FAR more likely to contract one of the major diseases and conditions plaguing our population. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, the list goes on.

But you know this already, it’s rammed down your throat all the time, you see it all across the media and medical professionals preach about it. You are literally, every day you remain overweight, literally risking your life and your ability to be around to share time with your loved ones.

You don’t move as well as you like, get out of breath sooner than you like, wear clothes not always suitable for the weather, avoid certain social situations, waste hours worrying about what to wear. 

You possibly eat in secret, feel guilty even about eating, binge and stuff yourself silly, use food to celebrate with, or to commiserate with, you’ve considered throwing up occasionally and you have sat there crying because of it all.

It’s miserable and it sucks, it’s taken over every aspect of your life and you HATE IT and you WANT TO BE THIN and do the things that happier thin people do.

You hunt for the holy grail, the magic food, the elusive pill, the secret, ANYTHING to get this weight off you. You watch with envy at others losing weight, you wonder if you are doing it wrong, you constantly think about trying a new or different diet cos Doris lost 3lb last week, and you didn’t.

BUT the reality is that there is no magic shortcut, no pill, or secret. No fad eating method or miracle eating window, or food that melts fat, or exercise that targets only the belly.

The ONLY thing to do is simply the reverse that got you in this state in the first place.

  • YOU are the one who has eaten and drunk too much
  • YOU are the one who had takeaways at the weekend
  • YOU are the one who ate extra food, seconds, piled your plate high at buffets and carveries
  • YOU are the one who ate the whole packet, drank the whole bottle, finished the whole bag
  • YOU are the one who used holidays, social events, parties as an excuse to justify overeating
  • YOU are the one who has blamed medication, injury, illness, holidays, ANYTHING but you
  • YOU are the one who blissfully ignored the clothes getting tighter, the weight going UP on the scales
  • YOU ARE THE ONE who put yourself here

and you did so over a period of time. Gradually the weight crept on, month on month, year on year. it didn’t suddenly manifest overnight, and the crutch of the matter, YOU did this to you and YOU are to blame.


But to shift it, you simply have to do the reverse. That’s it. no magic, no pills, no mystery. 

  • YOU have to eat and drink less
  • YOU have to learn to say no to seconds
  • YOU have to eat a sensible amount of food at the party
  • YOU have to not use any excuse under the sun to justify overeating
  • YOU have to take ownership of your situation and realise that YOU put yourself here and YOU will be the one to get out of it
  • YOU have to stop blaming other things, pills, injury, stress, sugar, fat whatever and own up to the responsibility

You can still have the takeaways, the parties, the fun, but there just has to be LESS of it. The weight will NOT come off overnight, it didn’t go ON overnight.


Accept that there is some discomfort up ahead, some sacrifice, a little misery. You’ve had the fun, you borrowed the money, you can’t now moan and whinge when it needs to be paid back.

Yes it sucks, yes it’s miserable and yes it’s hard but tough tittie tiger. YOU need to decide what you want here!

You can continue, moaning, whinging, feeling sad, sorry for yourself, blaming anything and everyone except yourself, gradually getting heavier year on year, for the rest of your life


You can get a hold of yourself, decide that enough is enough and simply focus on one day at a time, one meal at a time even, simply eating and drinking LESS than you did before. Showing some restraint and some maturity.

Do that, and the weight will come off.

I know it’s not nice but WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Do you want this gone or not, do you want your life back, do you want to start living again?

NO? Go and order a takeaway and moan about “what do you know JJ, you don’t know how hard it is”


YES? Then get off your chair, go for a walk, clear your head, have a word and prepare yourself for the battle ahead. It’s going to be hard, but bloody hell it IS worth it on the other side.

When you realise that you have wasted MOST of your adult life because you have been overweight it puts it in perspective…

The great news is it’s NEVER too late to fix it, and to start making up for lost time.

Once you start, even 3 days in, you will feel loads better and be on your way to completely changing your life. but you have to start, and stop feeling sorry for yourself and make positive changes, FOR YOU

Stop looking at WHY you won’t be able to do stuff, and instead find ways it CAN happen for you!

CHANGE the place you’re in, the situation you have. The power is entirely in your control and you CAN DO THIS, millions have done so before you.

In fact you can start NOW, not tomorrow, NOW. Make positive changes NOW and immediately you will be on the path to the person you WANT to be, not remaining as the person you don’t.


